


CDATF will set sail with an upgraded and expanded exhibition scale, 增加了N3大厅, 的集合 15个大厅, W1-w5 e1 - e7 n1-n3, 18万平方米 展览面积, 为参展商提供优质平台,创造更多商机. 收集的不仅仅是 5000 +品牌企业, bringing innovative daily necessities products with novel design, 时尚实用, 打开产品的新趋势和时尚,为百货公司的品牌增添新的活力.



向圈子外开火, 超级受欢迎, 100的收敛,000 +观众, 创历史新高, 第116届中国日用品交易会 on July 22, 2023 in the Shanghai New International Expo Centre successfully concluded. This year's CDATF will include 8 thematic exhibition areas, 涵盖14个展览厅, 180,000平方米的展示面积, 前所未有的, 数十个高峰论坛, 华山的辩论, 国际观众团体参观, live on the clouds to see the exhibition of the people, 一个又一个的精彩时刻闪过.


The 116th CDATF, a star-studded event with a large number of people, ended perfectly.

向圈子外开火, 超级受欢迎, 100的收敛,000 +观众, 创历史新高, 第116届中国日用品交易会 on July 22, 2023 in the Shanghai New International Expo Centre successfully concluded. This year's CDATF will include 8 thematic exhibition areas, 涵盖14个展览厅, 180,000平方米的展示面积, 前所未有的, 数十个高峰论坛, 华山的辩论, 国际观众团体参观, live on the clouds to see the exhibition of the people, 一个又一个的精彩时刻闪过.



7月20日, 2023, 第116届中国日用品交易会, 享有“中国百货行业风向标”的美誉,是一场吸引百货行业目光的采购盛宴, was grandly opened at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre. 180,000平方米的展览面积, 14个展厅, 3,在活动的第一天,000多家百货制造商和数万个知名品牌聚集在这里. 聚集在这里, 第一天进行, 引爆行业热搜, 近100,000名买家齐聚一堂, instantly ignited the passion of this summer's department store procurement.


The 115th CDATF in Shanghai ended perfectly with numerous praises.

2021年7月24日, 为期三天的第115届中国日用品交易会在皇冠app唯一官方网站圆满落幕. 在这个CDATF中, 8个专题展区全面开放, creating a super party of offline department store products. Domestic and foreign famous brand exhibitors took the stage, attracting core buyers from various channels including department store chains, 超市, 电子商务, 批发市场, 代理, 等., the popularity of the exhibition reached a new high.


The 115th CDATF opens today with the entry of leading department store groups

7月22日, 第115届中国日用品交易会, which has attracted much attention from the industry, was grandly opened in Shanghai New International Expo Centre. 经过一年多的精心准备, 新一届百货业大会将聚首四方,探讨百货业的发展趋势, 八家参展商气势磅礴,犹如一道彩虹, 让所有的观众充分感受到了中国百货实体经济增长的巨大韧性和未来行业的巨大提升空间.



2020年7月25日, 为期三天的第114届中国日用品交易会暨智慧生活博览会在皇冠app唯一官方网站圆满落幕. 作为后疫情时代百货家居行业的首个大型展会, the 114th CDATF has gone through many twists and turns, 但它终于有了一个圆满的结局.


7月23日, 活动在上海举行, 第114届中国日用品交易会暨智慧生活博览会再次登陆皇冠app唯一官方网站(W1-W8馆), E1-E7和N5), 开启为期三天的家居嘉年华.

第114届CDATF will gather wisdom and momentum to start again, expansion and upgrading of the new outdoor exhibition hall to add vitality

消费者品质需求的提升给传统百货行业带来了强大的推动力. 经过提升消费者体验等一系列卓有成效的转型升级, 调整商品结构, 推动线上线下融合, the domestic department store industry as a whole has begun to bottom out.


Boutique Department Store Lights Up Trend Gathering Place, 113thCDATF Ends Perfectly

7月27日, after three days of uninterrupted exhibition and exchange, 第113届中国日用品交易会暨2019现代智能生活用品博览会(以下简称“CDATF”)在皇冠app唯一官方网站落下帷幕.


第113届CDATF在魔多开幕, leading the new style of home furnishing and daily-use department stores.

This year's CDATF will set up nine innovative themes, 覆盖W1-W5, E1-E7, N5 13个展厅, nearly 18万平方米 of luxury exhibition halls crowded, 来自国内外近3家,000 strength of the department store industry exhibitors more than 100,000 department store boutique tide of goods colourful bloom, 展现家居生活的美好创意.


第113届CDATF开始预注册, the second half of the department store industry in the "good hi yo"

7月25日至27日, 第113届中国日用品交易会暨中国现代家居用品博览会(以下简称“CDATF”), which has attracted much attention from the industry, will officially land at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, opening the annual event of daily-use articles and department stores.



7月26日, “魔都”上海, 整个城市连在一起, 第112届中国日用用品交易会暨中国现代家居用品博览会(以下简称“CDATF”)是百货行业一年一度的承载三角架。, the grand opening of the New International Expo Centre in Shanghai.


精品分区, 展馆扩建, 受众分层, 112th CDATF will be upgraded in all aspects of character

第112届中国日用品交易会(以下简称“CDATF”)将于7月26日至28日在皇冠app唯一官方网站(SNIEC)举行。. 参展商和买家对本届展会的规模和质量有了更高的期待.



*Official Announcement: 2024 RX Huabai 展览ion Schedule

RX华柏展览(北京)有限公司.有限公司. 展览项目, 邀请你开始2024年的新旅程!

  • 上海,7月   第117届中国日用品交易会
  • 广州,9月  华南日用品交易会
  • 印度尼西亚,9月  RX华柏亚洲日用品展-印尼

18万平方米 in size, the 117th CDATF continues to be full of highlights

Seek business opportunities in department stores and lead the new trend! The 117th CDATF, the scale of upgrading and expansion, convergence of 5000 +企业, is the daily-use department store industry brands gathered in the place, 百货公司未来的发展趋势, help enterprises to open a new era of trade exhibition scale of the new N3 馆, 15个展厅:W1-W5、E1-E7、N1-N3展厅. 不同主题展区, 新产品是首次亮相吗, 引领潮流的重要平台.。


2024 中国南方 Daily-use Articles Trade Fair is "hot" to come, ploughing into the Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area market,并专注于 中国南方, 西南及东南亚市场,推动企业开拓线上线下多渠道资源发展. 2024新18.2个大厅,3个大亭子, 20 +精彩活动, bringing together the department store industry boutique products, 新产品, 炸药, 定义一个不同的百货商店展览. 定义一个不同的百货商店展览.


里德华柏首次海外展, 印尼站, 帮助企业开拓东南亚市场,抢占海外市场先机.

展览面积15000㎡,Department store industry full-category display platform

400 +参展商,Gathering famous brands in the industry to create a feast of department stores

20000 +专业买家,One-stop resource matching to help 中国人 enterprises to go overseas

Official Announcement | 'Admission Guide' video is online! 请把这个视频收藏起来!

“今年展览的报名流程? Some updates on the distribution and layout of the exhibition halls? 如何提前查看展商名单? 节目的亮点是什么?"


Facing difficulties, fearless, breaking waves, moving forward ...... 年初疫情带来的阴霾,不仅是日用品行业的生意减少, but also a hindrance to too many face-to-face exchanges.

Video Trailer | Conference Forum Mystery Guests Revealed, Hear What They Have to Say~?

第114届CDATF, the heavyweight upgraded version of the conference forum, 专注于电子商务和直播潮流, 知识产权许可, product design future trends released and smart home appliances, the first wave of theme forums guests and topics to be revealed!


3,000 +参展商, 近180,000平方米的展览空间, 16个展厅, 没有办法开始购物? 你不知道如何精确地找到xx类别? 别担心! 版本2.大厅和区域的布局都没有在线!

@所有人,请看看著名网友Big Stomach mini发来的CDATF邀请函!

继第一波小白的剧之后, 食物个性——辣德子, 跳伞进入CDATF, Xiaobai again "exploded" the second wave of mysterious eggs ~! We have invited this popular netizen to mysteriously drop by!

辣子在CDATF | IP跨界展上

小白在很久以前的剧里熬过了,今年的CDATF会“玩”一点不一样~! 第一波沉重的揭露即将到来! 注意所有CDATF的朋友!

倒计时17天|寻找新的变化, CDATF will be on-site conference forum agenda for a sneak preview!

作为业内知名展会, the CDATF has been committed to conveying new ideas to the industry, 分享行业新动态, 促进行业内交流, assisting the development of the daily-use department store industry.

"New products are coming in, leading the way in department stores!

This year's CDATF has a constant influx of new and trendy products, 中国人, 日本, 国家潮流风格, 斯堪的纳维亚风格, 工业风格. A variety of unique, cost-effective goodies are waiting for you to purchase.

倒数20天|准备出发! CDATF将于7月发布!

With the domestic resumption of production pressing the "fast-forward button", 中国经济全面加速反弹, the exhibition industry across the country have begun to hold, exhibitions have become the key to help revive the economy.

直接向零距离现场的CDATF将在第二天继续升温, 兴奋还在继续!

第113届CDATF, 是什么吸引了家居和百货行业的关注, 已经进入第二天了吗.

作为展示行业尖端产品和技术解决方案的年中活动, 今年的CDATF一举行就会点燃整个家居市场.


Leading the new style of home daily-use department stores, 第113届CDATF将是魔多的盛大开幕!

7月25日, 万众瞩目的第113届中国日用品交易会(以下简称百货交易会)在皇冠app唯一官方网站隆重开幕.


1 minute to understand the distribution of categories in each pavilion of the CDATF! 第一时间升级体验分馆和专区,帮您选购精准!

来自CDATF官方的一条沉重的新消息! 打造时尚百货店展览. This time, we have divided the 13 pavilions into halls.
